The pledge

Join the growing number of organisations who are pledging their support to the shared vision of a trauma informed Lancashire.
Trauma Informed Website Assets29

What is the pledge?

Trauma is a profound and global public health crisis. Agencies, services and organisations from across the county are joining the movement for a trauma informed Lancashire. Bringing this shared vision into action will reduce serious violence, trauma, and adverse childhood experiences within our communities.

The request to system leaders is:

  1. Sign the pledge to “Trauma Informed Lancashire”. The pledge is flexible and recognises that different agencies will be at multiple starting points. There is no financial cost to signing the pledge.
  2. Consider your organisational journey from trauma aware to trauma informed. Are you looking to use the Trauma Informed Lancashire organisational development toolkit? Or, is there other help or support you will seek to help you to develop your organisation and practice plan?
  3. Decide who will be your organisation’s representative on the newly formed “Trauma Informed PAN Lancashire Multi Agency Board” which will review, evaluate, and share knowledge and training across the entire pan-Lancashire footprint.
  4. Consider adopting a set of trauma informed principles or developing strategies that incorporate the principles.
  5. Consider the offer from the national charity “One Small Thing” to apply for a charter mark. This is a further opportunity to recognise the excellent practice that is already ongoing across the Lancashire wide system.
LCC Logo

Angie Ridgwell, Chief Executive Officer and Director of Resources:

The evidence behind 'trauma informed' aligns perfectly with the family safeguarding model being delivered in children's social care as well as the partners for change project in adults. It is fundamentally about recognising people as humans and not cases or statistics. It's about being supportive, collaborative, innovative and respectful to everyone. It's our values!
NHS Blackpool Teaching Hospitals
Andrew Snowden
Blackpool Council Logo
RRR Logo
The Calico Group Logo
BwD Crest

Sign the pledge

Are you a leader in your organisation? Would your organisation like to sign the pledge and develop a trauma informed action plan? Complete your details below to request a call back